Don’t know any coding and want to use technology to personalize your offer? No problem – in this article I’m going to show you the solution on employing quizzes to sell products easily.
Promote your product or line of products by exactly pinpointing its name or niche in the title; e.g. “Which shampoo Should You Get” or “Which Maybelline Mascara is the Best For Me”.
To put some life into the quiz associate every outcome with special style. One of them could be made especially for “modern style”, nest one for “classic” and the other one for “chic style”.
Engage users in a story that you’re telling with the quiz by attractive pictures. Take a look at this one:
Outcome screen is the most important one when considering the revenue boost that the quiz can bring. It’s the coronation of the time devoted to solving the quiz, so it have to be really rewarding and informative. The most important thing is to use exit link to send customers directly the product page.
Add share button at the end of the quiz and encourage your users to share their results on Facebook or Twitter. The very crucial thing, in this case, is to stay positive with the questions and answers throughout the whole quiz because positive emotions are one of the triggers to share the content. Take a look at the picture above and you’ll see two sharing buttons – below the exit link.
Make sure to collect all of the information that the users are willing to share with you. E-mail addresses could be used to send newsletters and telephone numbers to send special offers etc. Be honest about how you’re going to use that information and don’t spam mailboxes – one e-mail per week is enough. Don’t forget that not everyone is willing to share detailed information, therefore, check “answer is required” respectively.
Connect a personality to the product. Let’s say that a group of people got an answer about sport shoes. You can export all the data from the system and put selected e-mail addresses into your e-mail automation software to send messages recommending the best sports shoes in your collection.
The customer may not make a purchasing decision right away but he’ll definitely reward personalized e-mail reminder with a great timing.
The first stage is to send e-mail just after completing the quiz so that you can introduce to your customers and not to be confused with anyone else.
Data shows that personalization may be responsible for as much as 7,8% increase in sales.
#benefits of quizzes #eCommerce #Engageform #Quizzes #Viral quizzes