
How to increase sales with social media

February 8, 2016 // Content Marketing

Increase Sales

Social media is incredibly reliable and effective tool for marketers and business owners who want to improve their sale record. You don’t have to pour a lot of money into social media campaigns to see the first results. It’s a very low-cost method for testing and scaling if effective. Take a look at our advice that proved to Increase Sales.

Build Relationship

We’re starting with the tricky one. Remember thet you can’t sell directly via social media, it doesn’t work like that. First and foremost is building a loyal audience by providing them with interesting content. It doesn’t have to be a funny meme, it’s even better something with is slightly connected with the brand.

But how to find that connection?

Do you know Volvo? Of course, you do. It’s a Swedish brand of luxury cars and heavy trucks. They created this video:

Volvo’s latest FMX truck is said to be the company’s best yet, the promotional material doesn’t say it directly – rather proves… with the help of a 4-year-old girl causing immense destruction.

I know it’s hard to produced that irresistible content if you’re not Volvo, but something great and effective is also possible with less resources. Take a look at this video:

Link to product with Social Hub

Unfortunately, the life-time of a single post in social media is rather low. On Twitter, it’s just a couple of minutes, on Facebook maybe hours. Fortunately, you can easily re-use all your content in a form of a social hub. It gathers all your social streams (accounts and hashtags) in one place and presents in an engaging way.

With Social Hub you can use eCommerce links to send fans directly to the products presented for ex. on Instagram photos. Social Hub is extremely interesting option with regards to Instagram because there are no clickable links on Instagram at all! The only one link may appear on your profile page, so the best solution is to put over there a link to your Social Hub with an information that it’s the best way to buy all the items presented.

Use trending topics to Increase Sales

To keep up with your audience, you have to follow the latest trends. It may be hard for a busy marketing people to crawl around the internet looking for things and information gaining traction. The best solution then is to automatize the process.

A) Look for trending tags on Twitter – Twitter shows you what is trending based on both your localization and globally;

B) Create a list of Twitter influencers – it’s easier to ingest all the information when they are divided into different streams based on theme;

C) Google Alerts –  set alerts to send an e-mail every week or day or even at the time when Google notices that certain phrase was used in an article;

D) Subscribe to professional groups –  New information can sometimes appear much faster on groups created in social networks. They’re bottom-up initiatives to debate on a certain topic that is too specific for general opinion. Professionals tend to be much more open because their posts show up only on a private group, not publicly. The most active groups go on Facebook and LinkedIn.

E) Read marketing blogs – My way to collect all the interesting blogs in one place and then swiftly go through the last entries is to create Feedly feeds.

Become a Problem-Solver

This is one of the possible strategies to utilize while social media posting – solve real problems of your customers. If you notice they frequently ask you about some details then simply work on the best solution and share it as a blog-post to reach the broad  audience.

The other way of posting is represented by GoPro – brand leading in sports cameras. Their customers upload on Facebook or YouTube so many videos or photos taken in action that it’s hard to resist clicking “like”. Therefore GoPro marketer share/retweet/repost those materials to show how their products work in real life.

Hey, ho let’s go. Check out our newest TV spot for the Big Game! #GoPro #SB50 #Hero4Session

A video posted by gopro (@gopro) on

Even if you don’t have such a dedicated audience you definitely should monitor reactions of your customers – social media posts, reviews and other entries. There are many SaaS tools doing that just fine, but two of the most effective that I can recommend are Brand24 and SentiOne.

Know your audience

I see a lot of huge Facebook Pages with poor engagement rates. The reason behind this is a half-backed campaign aimed at fan acquisition only in terms of quantity, not quality. It is considerably easy to burn a lot of money on campaigns where users have to like the Page to win something. It’s far harder to make them want to stay with you based on the content that you’re serving.

One of the ways to discover the needs of your audience is to monitor the engagement rates with Facebook Analytics. As an administrator of a Page, you have access to much insightful information about the demography and interests of your fan.

The other solution is to simply share a survey asking about the preferred content type (videos or photos), timing (morning or evening) frequency and any other metric that you can think off. For this type of work, I’m using Engageform due to the convenience of sharing in social media. Yo can test this tool for free here:

try for free

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