“Top Model” is a fashion-themed reality television show format aired by TVN – one of the most popular polish broadcaster. Thanks to second screen app we were able to engage its viewers on a completely new level.
We aimed to create interactive hub around the show that would engage the users with different type of content during:
“Top Model TVN” App – dedicated, mobile app available both on Google Play and iTunes. It enables to capture user’s attention shortly before the show by sending push notifications.
The App provides users with real-time interactions:
Typical timeframe for creating an app like that is counted in months. It involves communication with external developer agency, plenty of meetings and iterations. With 4screens Studio it’s possible to create sophisticated app in only a couple of days without any need of programming skills.
Using our Content Management System (CMS) publishers can manage the App in real-time, reacting to the live events to boost interaction levels even more.
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